Showing 300–312 of 2725 results
Baidyanath Akik Pishti Ingredients: Akik (Purified) with Gulabjal as per text. Indication: Indicated in Rakta Pitta, Cardiac tonic. Useful in liver, spleen disorders. Reference: Ayurved Sar Sangrah Dosage:
Baidyanath Aloe Vera Juice Ingredients: Aloevera Indication: Aloe vera juice is revered for its health benefits in all ancient civilizations and modern science. Ayurveda recommends its usage in skin problems, hair fall and dandruff, liver disorders, digestive problems, diabetes, joint pain, obesity, constipation, boosts immunity and source of nutrition for complete body as its rich in Vitamins, enzymes, and micro-nutrients….
Baidyanath Amalki Rasyan Ingredients: Amalki Indication: Act as an alterative & antacid. Indicated in general debility to restore vigour & vitality. Reference: Ras tantra saar sangrah v Sidh prayog sangrah Dosage:
Baidyanath Amar Sundari Bati
Baidyanath Ameer Ras
Baidyanath Amla Juice Ingredients: Amla Indication: Amla is a gift to mankind no wonders it is called ‘Dhatriphal’ meaning a motherly boon. It is excellent source of Vitamin C, helps to boost immunity and prevents infections. Balance all the processes in the body and brings equilibrium all three doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Rich in antioxidants protects harmful effects of…
Baidyanath Amla Pittantak Yog Ingredients: Saunth, Mirach, Pipal Harre, Bahera, Nagarmothaa, Vivadang, Lavang, Mukta Shukta Bhasma etc. Indication: Excellent remedy for acidity. It acts as an antacid carminative & appetizer. Indicated heart burn, vomiting. Indigestion, loss of appetite. Helps Relieve hyperacidity in functional dyspepsia, Helps prevent nausea. Reference: Proprietary Ayurvedic Medicine Dosage:
Baidyanath Amlapittantak Loha Ingredients: Kajjali, Mandoor Bhasma, Kant Lauha Bhasma, Abhrak Bsasma, Amalaki Swa-ras Indication: Indicated in hyperacidity,vomiting, colic & painful micturition. Reference: Bhaishajya Ratnavali Dosage:
Baidyanath Amoebica Tab Ingredients: Kutki Churna, Vatsakadi Kwath Indication: Baidyanath Amoebica Tablet is an Ayurvedic medicine indicated in Amoebiasis, acts as an astringent specially used in Dysentery & Diarrhoea. Reference: Proprietary Ayurvedic Medicine Dosage:
Baidyanath Amvatari Ras
Baidyanath Amvatari RasBaidyanath Amavatari Ras:AmavatariRasis an Ayurvedic medicine in tablet form.It is used in the treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis.This medicine contains heavy metal ingredients, hence should only be taken under strict medical supervision.This medicine is most commonly used in north Indian Ayurvedic practice. Uses Of Amavatari Ras: It is used in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteo arthritis.It helps to…
Amavatari Rasa is used in the treatment of diseases which are of Vata origin. Amavatari Ras helps decrease pain, swelling and stiffness in joints. It reduces the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arth . Amavarari Ras Aushadhi of Ayurveda. Mercury is known as Rasa in Ayurveda, and medicines prepared using purified mercury, purified Sulphur, bhasma etc. are named as Ras…
Baidyanath Anand Bhairav Ras Jwar