Showing 2445–2457 of 2725 results
vaidyaratnam Panchagavya Ghrutham it is Very effective in epilepsy, insanity and jaundice
vaidyaratnam Panchajeeraka Gudam
Vaidyaratnam Pancharavinda Choornam IT HELPS TO Relieves weakness of the mind and body, promotes strength and stamina and a fine aphrodisiac
Vaidyaratnam Panchasneham Frozen shoulder, lumbago, paraplegia, fractures and sprains. Very effective in numbness and other rheumatic pains.
vaidyaratnam Panchathikthakam Ghrutham Ind: Rheumatic complaints, skin diseases, osteoarthritis, et
Vaidyaratnam Panchathikthakam Kashayam IT IS Effective for scabies and dermatological problems.
Vaidyaratnam Panchavalkadi Yamakam it is Very effective in diseases caused by impure blood.
Vaidyaratnam Paranthyadi Kera Thailam IT IS USEFUL In all types of disease caused by impure blood and persistent ulcers after snake bite.
Vaidyaratnam Parinathakereeksheeradi Thailam Very effective in monoplegia of the hand and Elbs� paralysis
Vaidyaratnam Parpadakarishtam arishtam IT IS HELPFUL IN Anaemia, jaundice, diseases of the liver, spleen and malarial Fever.
Vaidyaratnam Partharishtam (Arjunarishtam) arishtam \IT IS Very effective in cardiac diseases
Vaidyaratnam Pathooralmarmani Gulika IT HELPS TO Abcess, boils and burns etc.
Vaidyaratnam Pathyadi Shadangam Kashayam IT USEFUL IN All types of head ache, tooth ache, ear ache etc.