Showing 2211–2223 of 2725 results
Vaidyaratnam Aragwadamahathikthakam Ghrutham In all types of dermatological disorders like Eczema, leprosy, chronic ulcers and fistula.
Vaidyaratnam Aragwadhamruthadi Kashayam Aragwadhamruthadi Kashayam is an effective herbal medicine useful in ayurvedic treatment of vomiting, diabetes, skin diseases with itching and non healing wounds, kaphaja fever, scabies and wounds. Ingredients are cassia fistula, Tinospora cordifolia, Terminalia chebula, Acacia catechu Direction to Use are 15 ml with 45 ml lukewarm water one hour before food twice daily or as directed…
Vaidyaratnam Ardhavilwam Kashaya Choornam It is used in inflammatory conditions. It helps to reduce pain and swelling. Ingredients: Ginger Brihati (Solanum indicum var.) Bhunimba (Andrographis paniculata) Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera) Duralabha (Fagonia arabica) Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) Bilwa (Aegle marmelos) It is added with 8 parts of water, boiled and reduced to quarter part, filtered.
Vaidyaratnam Arimedadi Thailam IT IS Very effective in neuralgia, tooth-ache, and other mouth and throat diseases.
Vaidyaratnam Arukaladi Thailam Arukaladi Thailam Is an Ayurvedic skincare oil to relieve jaundice and other hepatic conditions. This is usually prepared in sesame oil base.
Vaidyaratnam Asanamanjishtadi Kera Thailam it is Very useful in diseases of the eyes and ears by applying the oil over the head.
Vaidyaratnam Asanamanjishtadi Thailamadi Thailam IT IS Very useful in diseases of the eyes and ears by applying the oil over the head.
Vaidyaratnam Asanavilwadi Kera Thailam It is very effective in disease of the head, eye, ear and catarrhal affections.
Vaidyaratnam Asanavilwadi Thailam It is very effective in disease of the head, eye, ear and catarrhal affections
Vaidyaratnam Asaneladi Kera Thailam it is Very effective in skin diseases like scabies, pruritus dandruff etc
Vaidyaratnam Asaneladi Thailam IT IS Very effective in skin diseases like scabies, pruritus dandruff etc.
Vaidyaratnam Asaneladi Yamakam it is Very effective than the above especially for dandruff and falling of hair.
vaidyaratnam Ashokarishta arishtam Ashokarishta is an Ayurvedic medicine.It is extensively used in Ayurvedic treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding and other gynecological complaints.It contains 5-10 % of self generated alcohol,which acts as medium for herbal active principles.This is also called as Asokarishtam. Uses: It is used in Ayurveda treatments for many diseases like Pain menstruation,heavy periods,fever,bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding,bleeding…