Skm siddha Bilvadi Gutika


Skm siddha Bilvadi Gutika

228.00 119.00

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Skm siddha Bilvadi Gutika

Sl.No. Ayurveda Name Scientific Name Qty
1 Bilva Aegle marmelos 8.33%
2 Surasa puspa Ocimum sanctum 8.33%
3 Karanja Pongamia pinnata 8.33%
4 Nata suranva Valeriana wallichii 8.33%

5 Haritaki Terminalia chebula 8.33%
6 Bibhitaki Terminalia bellerica 8.33%
7 Amlaki Emblica officinalis 8.33%
8 Sunthi Zingiber officinale 8.33%
9 Maricha Piper nigrum 8.33%
10 Pippali Piper longum 8.33%
11 Nisa Curcuma longa 8.33%
12 Darunisa Berberis aristata 8.33%
13 Basta mutra Urine of goat Q.S.
Dosage and Adjuvant:
1 to 2 tablets along with jeeraka kashaya, tulasi swarasa. Used for anjana nasya
and lepa or as directed by the physician
Luta visa (Spider poison), Vrschikavisa (Scorpion bite) Sarpavisa (Snake bite),
Visucika (Gastro enteritis), Ajirana (Dyspepsia), Garadosa (Accumulated poison),
Jvara (Fever), Bhuta bhada (Psychological disorder)
100,500 Nos (500 mg.)


SKM Siddha


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