dhootapapeshwar SANJIVANI GUTIKA


dhootapapeshwar SANJIVANI GUTIKA


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dhootapapeshwar SANJIVANI GUTIKA
:An effective Guti acting on Annavaha Srotas.Useful in Ajeerna, Amatisara, Pravahika being Teekshna, Ushna, Deepak & Amapachak. Acts against the diseases of respiratory tract caused due to Agnimandya & other digestive disorders. Most effective in the treatment of Krumi with its Prakrutivighat activity i.e. Krumighna, which eradicate the tendency of recurrence.

Indications: Agnimandya, Ajeerna, Kaphapradhan Ajeerna & Atisara, Pravahika, Krumi, Pratishyaya, Jwara, Kasa, Shwasa. In Varsha Rhutu, Water borne diseases like; Visuchika Special precaution