Aimil Amycordial Syrup

Aimil Amycordial Syrup

148.00 138.00


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Amycordial is completely herbal, safe and effective formulation exerts adaptogenic, endometrial toning, female care product, anti-inflammatory and irregular menstruation, menstrual cycle regulating effects. Amycordial supplements vital micro nutrients, antioxidant effect for restoring feminine health and manages various Gynae Care disorders.

Mode of Action
Amycordial maintains gonadotropins (LH& FSH) level due to presence of phytoestrogens helps to maintain endogenous harmony, stabilize HPO axis, support & regulate hormonal secretions and hence regularise menstrual cycle.Thus, helps to treat unexplained infertility by promoting ovulation and toning endometrium. Read more here

Pharmacological actions:

Phytoestrogenic • Stimulation of ovulation • Anti microbial
Adaptogenic • Antioxidant and nutritional supplementation

Contradiction:Amycordial is to be discontinued during menstruation and pregnancy.
Adverse effects: No adverse effects have been reported.
Special Precaution: Safe to be taken.

Saftey on usage :


Irregular Menstruation • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS)
Unexplained infertility • Dysmenorrhoea
Vaginal Discharge • Hypermenorrhoea


S.No. Indications Dosage form Dosage Min. Duration (months)
1. Irregular Menstruation Syp. 2 tsf. B.D 3
2. Un explained infertility Syp. 2 tsf. B.D 6
3. Dysmenorrhoea Syp. 2 tsf B.D 3
4. Vaginal discharge Syp. 2 tsf. B.D 3
5. Hypermenorrhea Syp. 2 tsf B.D 3

In PCOS: Amycordial: 2 tab. thrice a day.
+Amree plus: 2 capsules/1tsf granules twice a day for 3 months


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