Showing 2250–2262 of 2461 results
vaidyaratnam Saraswatham Ghrutham It promotes intelligence and memory
Vaidyaratnam Saraswathamathra Gulika IT HELPS TO Improves memory power and intelligence especially for infants.
Vaidyaratnam Saraswatharishtam arishtam IT IS Effective in loss of memory, improves intellectual power, as well as noted aphrodisiac.
Vaidyaratnam Saribasavam Indications: Diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Fistula.
Vaidyaratnam Sathadhautha Ghrutham Ointment it is Very effective in burning sensation of the extremities and other dermatological disorders caused by deranged pitta and in the conditions of Vatha sonitha.
Vaidyaratnam Sathahwadi Anuvasana Thailam it is Very useful in rheumatic diseases like lumbago, Neuralgia etc. as vasthi.
vaidyaratnam Sathavaree Ghrutham In all types of urino-genital disorders, rakthapitha etc.
Vaidyaratnam Sathavareechinnaruhadi Kashayam IT IS Effective for Raktha vatha and raktha pitha.
Vaidyaratnam Sathavareegulam Leham it is Very effective in all types of Gynaecological diseases
Vaidyaratnam Shaddaranam Choornam it is Effective in Rheumatic complaints, skin diseases, piles, diabetes, flatulence, rheumatoid arthritis, gall stones and obesity. Roga karma: Vatavydhi, kusta, arshas, shopha, pandu, prameha, amavata, urustamba, medogatavata, kaphavritavata, ajeerna, sthoulya. Dosha karma: Kaphavatahara. Agni karma: Deepana, pachana Ingredients: Chitraka Plumbago zeylanica 1 Part Indrayava Holarrhena antidysenterica 1 Part Patha Cyclea peltata 1 Part Katuka Picrorhiza kurroa…
Vaidyaratnam Shaddaranam Gulika Tablet IT IS effetive to relieve swelling.
vaidyaratnam Shalpalam Ghrutham Gas trouble, flatulence, constipation and colic pain.
Vaidyaratnam Shundheebaladi Kashayam IT IS Effective for Supthavatha (sensory neuropathy).