Showing 27–39 of 40 results
vaidyaratnam Rasnadi Ghrutham In rheumatic diseases, cough and weakness of the body.
vaidyaratnam Sapthasaram Ghrutham it helps in Gas trouble, Gynaeco-disorders
vaidyaratnam Saraswatham Ghrutham It promotes intelligence and memory
Vaidyaratnam Sathadhautha Ghrutham Ointment it is Very effective in burning sensation of the extremities and other dermatological disorders caused by deranged pitta and in the conditions of Vatha sonitha.
vaidyaratnam Sathavaree Ghrutham In all types of urino-genital disorders, rakthapitha etc.
vaidyaratnam Shalpalam Ghrutham Gas trouble, flatulence, constipation and colic pain.
vaidyaratnam Sukumaram Ghrutham It clears the bowel, tone up the digestive and excretory system, relieves pain in the genitals.
vaidyaratnam Thikthakam Ghrutham it is Very effective in dermatological diseases caused by the derangement of �Pitha� and also for abcess, dropsy and mania
vaidyaratnam Triphaladi Ghrutham
vaidyaratnam Urvaruka Ghrutham it is For easy and absolute painless delivery.
vaidyaratnam Varanadi Ghrutham Head-ache and internal abcess
vaidyaratnam Varanadiksheera Ghrutham it is for Head-ache and allied complaints.
vaidyaratnam Vasthyamayanthakam Ghrutham Genito-urinary diseases in general.