Dhootapapeshwar CHATURMUKH RAS


Dhootapapeshwar CHATURMUKH RAS


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Dhootapapeshwar CHATURMUKH RAS
Ingredients of Chaturmukh Ras
Shuddha Parada – Herbal purified Mercury
Shuddha Gandhaka – Herbal purified Sulphur
Loha Bhasma – Bhasma prepared from Iron
Abhraka Bhasma – Purified and processed Mica
Kumari – Aloe vera – juice extract – quantity sufficient.
Eranda – Castor – Ricinus communis – leaves
Uses of Chaturmukh Ras
Chaturmukh Ras is an effective medicine for Vata disorders. It shows good result in Epilepsy, insomnia, Mental disorders, Nervous debility and other nervous system diseases. It gives strength to heart. It is nutritive and tonic.Chaturmukh Ras is also given for treating Chronic bronchitis, Anaemia, Digestive weakness, Piles, Hyperacidity, Diarrhoea, physical weakness, Asthma and Pulmonary tuberculosis. This medicine gives good result in curing symptoms of Prameha/ diabetes.