Dhanwantri KardeoRich Capsules


Dhanwantri KardeoRich Capsules

1,400.00 1,120.00

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Dhanwantri KardeoRich Capsules

KardeoRich Purely Herbal heart health supplement
Capsule KardeoRich is made purely from plants and plant related ingredients. This medicine is used to facilitate blood flow to heart muscle. Generally cholesterol is responsible for blood to make more thick that is more viscous. Also it gets coated on inner coat of coronary arteries. Like an epidemic , cardiac diseases are spreading very rapidly worldwide as well in India. In 1960 the heart disease percentage was 3.5% which increased to 11% in 1990.Today it is enormously grown above 25%.To day lots of modern techniques are available for heart diagnostics & treatment. However treatments are too costly & not affordable for every common man.

Causes of heart diseases
Increased blood cholesterol level.
Increased levels of Homeocystin.
Increased fatness.
Deficiency of anti oxidants
Lack of exercise.
Viral infection
Mental stress.
High blood pressure.

Symptoms of heart diseases include
Discomfort, pressure, heaviness, or pain in the chest, arm, or below the breastbone
Discomfort radiating to the back, jaw, throat, or arm
Fullness, indigestion, or choking feeling (may feel like heartburn)
Sweating, nausea, vomiting, or dizziness
Extreme weakness, anxiety, or shortness of breath
Rapid or irregular heartbeats

Contents of Capsule Kardeo Rich
Protects heart, Stimulates hear, Strengthens cardiac muscles, Reduces blood cholesterol level.e
Strengthens heart & reduces inflammation.
Reduces blood cholesterol level.
Strengthens heart & reduces swelling & inflammation.
It contains vitamins which minimizes the increased levels of Homocysteine
Aloe Vera
Minimizes levels of LDL & Triglycerides in the blood. Increases HDL. Controls blood pressure & regulates blood circulation in coronary arteries.

KardeoRich Benefits
1. Reduces bad colestrol in the body.
2. Increases cardiac tone and strength.
3. Reduces blood pressure and load on heart there for extremely useful in heart failure



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