Charak Manoll Capsule
1) Chronic and recurrent infections
2) Malaise and fatigue
3) Convalescence
4) Co-prescription with anti-infective, anti-malarial and anti-TB drugs and steroids
Each capsule contains:
Name of Ingredient Latin/ English Name Qty
Powders :
Mandur bhasma >>>> 50 mg
Grunjana Daucus carota 4 mg
Raktagrunjanam Beta vulgaris 2 mg
Paalak Spinacia oleracea 2 mg
Extracts of the following :
Amalaki Emblica officinalis 350 mg
Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia 100 mg
Yashtimadhu Glycyrrhiza glabra 100 mg
Ashwagandha Withania somnifera 100 mg
Gokshur Tribulus terrestris 100 mg
Shunthi Zingiber officinale 15 mg
Marich Piper nigrum 15 mg
Pippali Piper longum 15 mg
MANOLL is herbo-mineral potent anti-oxidant. The main ingredient Emblica officinalis is a rich source of flavonoids like Quercitine, Emblicanin A and Emblicanin B, which are potent antioxidants. Tribulus terrestris, Withania somnifera, Tinospora cordifolia are adaptogenic and immunity boosters. Piper longum and Zingiber officinale further enhance the bioavailability of antioxidants. Zingiber officinale also has a profound anti-emetic effect. Beta vulgaris, Spinacia oleracea and Mandur Bhasma build up Hb levels. MANOLL reinforces resistance against infections and ensures rapid recovery and cuts short convalescence period after a long illness or surgery.
Important ingredients Action
Amalaki Antioxidant
Ashwagandha Builds-up tissues, anti-stress, adaptogenic and immunity boosters
Guduchi, Gokshur Adaptogenic and immunity boosters
Shunthi Profound anti-emetic effect, enhance bioavailability of antioxidants
Beetroot, Palak, Mandur Bhasma Build-up Hb levels
Pippali Enhance bioavailability of antioxidants
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