Skm siddha Vatagajangusa Rasa


Skm siddha Vatagajangusa Rasa

145.00 130.00

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Skm siddha Vatagajangusa Rasa

Sl.No. Ayurveda Name Scientific Name Qty
1 Rasasindhura Prepared medicine 7.14%
2 Lauha bhasma Prepared medicine 7.14%
3 Maksika bhasma Prepared medicine 7.14%
4 Suddha ghandaka Purified sulphur 7.14%
5 Suddha haratala Purified Arsenic sulphate 7.14%
6 Haritaki Terminalia chebula 7.14%
7 Srngi Rhus succedanea 7.14%
8 Visa Aconitum ferox 7.14%
9 Marica Piper nigrum 7.14%
10 Pippali Piper longum 7.14%

11 Sunthi Zingiber officinale 7.14%
12 Agnimantha Clerodendron phlomoides 7.14%
13 Tankana suddha Purified Borax 7.14%
14 Mundi drava Sphaeranthus indicus Q.S.
15 Nirgindi drava Vitex negundo Q.S.
Dosage and Adjuvant:
1 to 2 tablets with pippali, madhu, manjista kashaya
Grdhrasi (sciatica), krostusirsaka (osteo arthritis of knee joint), avabahuka
(brachialgia), manyastamba (torticolis), urustamba (stiffness in thigh muscles),
paksagatha (hemiplegia).
100, 500 Nos (100 mg.)


SKM Siddha


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