Skm siddha Mahalakshmivilasa Rasa (Gold)


Skm siddha Mahalakshmivilasa Rasa (Gold)

2,345.00 2,110.00

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Skm siddha Mahalakshmivilasa Rasa (Gold)

Sl.No. Ayurveda Name Scientific Name Qty
1 Vajrabbhra churna Prepared medicine 33.33%
2. Gandhaka suddha Purified sulphur 16.66%
3 Vanga bhasma Prepared medicine 8.33%
4 Parade suddha Purified mercury 4.16%
5 Haritala suddha Purified Arsenic sulphide 4.16%
6 Tamra suddha Purified copper 2.08%
7 Karpura Cinnamomum camphora 4.16%
8 Jatikosa Myristica fragrans 4.16%
9 Jatihala Myristica fragrans 4.16%
10 Vrddhadaraka beeja Ipomoea petaloidea 8.33%
11 Svarna Elemental gold 8.33%
12 Mrta svarna bhasma Prepared medicine 2.08%
Dosage and Adjuvant:
1 to 2 tablets with honey or milk or as directed by the physician

Kasa (cough), pinasa (sinusitis), rajayakshma (tuberculosis), sthaulya (obesity),
amavata (rheumatism), vajikarna (aphrodisiacs), galaroga (diseases of throat),
antravridhi (hernia), kusta (diseases of skin), atisara (diarrhoea), prameha (diabetes),
slipada (filariasis), vrana (ulcer), nadivrana (sinus), bhagandara (fistula in ano), arsa
(piles), udara (diseases of abdomen), rakta vikara (disorders of blood) ,striroga
(gynaecological disorders), twakroga (skin diseases), nasa roga (diseases of nose),
netraroga (diseases of eye), mukharoga (diseases of mouth), sula (pain).
20,100 Nos (100 mg.)


SKM Siddha


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